Our Silver Award: Promoting Peace & Kindness

Our mission is to teach children to promote peace and kindness in their everyday lives.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Activity: Stand Up

This week I have a game that you can do with two people. This activity deals with trust and strength without being dangerous(how many times have you been "almost" or "accidentally" dropped?). Here are the instructions:
Two players sit back-to-back with their legs stretched out in front of them.  The players link arms behind their backs.  They then proceed to try to stand up without using their arms.  The players must work together to reach the goal!

As you may have noticed, I am posting my activity during a meeting! Whenever one of us can't make it, the troop decides that it just wouldn't make sense to have a two-person meeting. Don't worry, next week the meeting is on!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Updated Pyramid

Breaking news!  Recently, the Girl Scout Silver Award pyramid has been modified.  Remember our first post, about the Pyramid?  We had eight steps in our post.  Well, now the Pyramid only has six steps!  The last two steps, "Make a plan and put it into motion," and "Reflect and celebrate," have gotten the cut.  The first six steps, though, are exactly the same, fortunately!  So, to refresh your memory, the Pyramid now looks like this:

1. Go on a journey.
2. Identify issues you care about.
3. Build your team.
4. Identify issues in your community.
5. Pick your take-action project.
6. Develop your project.

Fewer steps is alright with us!  Although... now we have only two weeks of posting our steps left!
~ Troop 60435

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Activity: Word Search

This activity is just like any other word search. You look for the hidden words and you find them. All of these words have to do with pro-peace or anti-bullying. That's all for now!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stop 4: Explore Your Community

The idea behind this step is for each member of your Silver Award team to list the communities they are part of, and what the needs of those communities are.  "Communities are groups of people who have something in common."  By this definition, a community can be almost anything!  Your math class is a community, your family is a community, and your friends group is a community.  For this step, we got started by brainstorming three communities that we are part of.  Alison is part of: Girl Scouts, North Andover Middle School, and her family.  Jillian is part of: synchronized swimming, Girl Scouts, and North Andover Middle School, and Margaret is part of Windrush farm, Girl Scouts, and St. Michael School.  This step is actually a good activity for everyone to do; even if you aren't working on a Silver Award, considering the needs of your community is valuable.  Once you know what your community needs, you can even volunteer to help out!  After all, everyone appreciates a helping hand!
Our Communities!
~Troop 60435

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Activity: Peacemaker Kit

When my troop did the aMAZE journey, we had these little boxes called Peacemaker Kits. One meeting, we (four) dequpaged little boxes (shown below) then we filled it with reflections on quotes, moments that can relate to aMAZE, or tokens of friendship. Try it out!

This is my paecemaker kit . . .

When I unfloded the quotes, it was overflowing!

Step 3: Build Your Team

The third step in the Silver Award was "build your team." You can work on your Silver Award in a group of three or four people, or you can work alone. Our troop chose to work as a group. We had all done our bronze award individually, so we wanted to work together this time. So far, it has been an exciting experience!
~Troop 60435

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Activity: Acrostic Poem

Can you create a poem out of the word 'Peace'? Print out the sheet to aspire your poetic creativity!

This activity is great for both young and old. I remember two years ago my girl scout troop (of four then) and leaders both enjoyed this activity as we were doing our aMAZE journey. I think I still have mine . . .

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Step 2: Identify Issues You Care About

Step 2 in the pyramid is "Identify Issues You Care About."  We did this step individually, but also as a troop.Some of the issues in the world we decided we care about:

1.) Bullying - We decided that we don't want to be bullied, and neither do other people.  As mentioned in our aMAZE post, everyone deserves the right to be accepted.  Bullying prevents world-wide acceptance, which is why we think that pro-peace is an important cause to fight for.

2.) Global Warming - Once our atmosphere is destroyed, there is nothing we can do to fix it.  What will the world come to?  Recycling or a recycling project would be a good way to solve on millionth of this enormous problem, which is why we considered a project such as this for our Silver Award.

3.) Lack of Education - Children need a proper education.  Without proper knowledge of the world and society around them, children are seriously stunted in their ability to go through life in an informed and connected.  Ignorance is not bliss.  Perhaps obliviousness is bliss, but ignorance certainly isn't.  We weren't sure how we could remedy this issue, which is why we decided to leave such an important topic to the professionals.

~Troop 60435