Our Silver Award: Promoting Peace & Kindness

Our mission is to teach children to promote peace and kindness in their everyday lives.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Podcast Follow Up: Other Peace Books

I know, I know. Not everybody likes to read, but you should. Reading can envelope (en-VEL-op) you into experiences you would have never experience. So for you bibliophages and "Okay, fine" readers, Check out these books! This is an article our troop wrote about great anti-bullying books. My favorite was The Wish. It is meant for grades 5 and up, but it is still great for eighth graders like us. Check them out!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Podcast

Here is our podcast! After Jillian's script and 4 or 5 test runs, it came to this finished project! Enjoy!
~ Troop 60435

Monday, December 19, 2011

Activity: I Statements

An idea used both in the aMAZE journey and the Cooper and Me Theme Guides, the "I" statements. When someone makes you feel good or bad, you could use an I statement to tell them that. An I statement is basically a fill in the blank:

I feel ___________
when you _______________
because _____________

My example is: I feel great when you stand up for me because you are a great friend. But you can stand up for yourself or a friend by saying something like: I feel mad when you take my pen without asking because it is rude, or, I feel angry when you call Wendy names because it is mean. Try a few yourself and post some you really like!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Step 6: Develop Your Project

The sixth step in the Silver Award Pyramid is "Develop Your Project." With the development of this blog, we have fulfilled this step.  As we have traveled on this journey, we have developed all three of our projects: the blog, the podcast, and the presentation.  This step included lots of brainstorming... our troop never just does something, we plan it!  This step was the last in our Silver Award, and we're not completely finished with it yet.  We haven't finished the presentation or the podcast, but we will soon!  As this is our last week of posting the Pyramid steps, next week you'll be in for a surprise when you see what we post!

~Troop 60435

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Step 5: Pick Your Take Action Project

The fifth step on the Silver Award Pyramid is "Pick your take action project."  Well, you're looking at ours!  This step probably took us the most time out of all our steps.  For the longest time, we couldn't figure out how to verbalize all of our ideas into a simple project that people could relate to.  We actually thought of three different projects: a blog, a podcast, and a pro-peace presentation.  We started out with the blog, but then we thought that we should do all we could to spread our message: so now, we are actively working on all three projects.  The blog is almost done, and we hope that all those who see our presentation will check out our activities and posts, as well!
~Troop 60435
Our ideas!